
Twin Flames Signs, Symbols and Synchronicities: Thirty-One Journal Prompts to Help You Heal on the Twin Flame and Soul Awakening Journey Paperback – April 8, 2021
The summary of this Workbook for Twin Flames signs, Symbols and synchronicities is to give Twin Flames and people on the Awakening path to enlightenment a place to journal their thoughts, and emotions. I would also like the journal to be a place where people are able to connect more deeply with their intuition, gain clarity, and wisdom throughout their journey towards transformation.
Available for purchase through the following:

The Path Back to My Heart and Soul Connection Paperback – November 6, 2018
These are snapshots of moments in my life where my mind awaits and wishes for the deepest union of love. Let this book give you the inspiration to open your mind and heart to follow your path to love.
Available for purchase through the following:

Grief Educator

Communicate with the Angels

Grief Movement